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  • NextScripts

    NextScripts 11:51 pm on June 26, 2014 Permalink | Reply  

    New Pinterest API 2.15.38 

    Fix for recent Pinterest changes causing “Something went wrong”, “Not Logged IN” and empty board list problems.

    If you are using WordPress your site should get the upgraded code with the next API update (2-4 hours). You can speed it up by double clicking the word “API” in the version number on the plugin settings page.

    If you use standalone version please download new API files from

  • NextScripts

    NextScripts 11:24 pm on June 13, 2014 Permalink | Reply  

    New Pinterest API 2.15.29 

    Fix for “Call to a member function getHeaderValue() on a non-object.” and “csfr error” Only standalone version is affected this time.

    Please download new API files from

  • NextScripts

    NextScripts 10:08 pm on June 10, 2014 Permalink | Reply  

    SNAP Universal API Beta 16 

    This release fixes some authorization problems (Tumblr, Flickr, Plurk, etc..) from beta 15 as well fixes for recent API changes.

    You can download new API files from

  • NextScripts

    NextScripts 10:05 pm on June 10, 2014 Permalink | Reply  

    New Pinterest API 2.15.22 

    Another fix for recent Pinterest changes causing “Something went wrong” and “You are not authorized to edit this board” errors.

    If you are using WordPress your site should get the upgraded code with the next API update (2-4 hours). You can speed it up by double clicking the word “API” in the version number on the plugin settings page.

    If you use standalone version please download new API files from

  • NextScripts

    NextScripts 4:55 am on June 5, 2014 Permalink | Reply  

    New Pinterest API 2.15.19 

    This release fixes some bugs affecting SNAP Pro WordPress plugins that have several Pinterest accounts configured. Bug were causing various errors including “API_ERROR”, “Something went wrong”, “You are not authorized to edit this board”, etc…

    If you are using WordPress your site should get the upgraded code with the next API update (2-4 hours). You can speed it up by double clicking the word “API” in the version number on the plugin settings page.

    Standalone version of API were not affected by the problem, so no update is needed.

  • NextScripts

    NextScripts 9:43 pm on May 20, 2014 Permalink | Reply  

    New Pinterest API 2.15.9 

    This release adds compatibility with recent Pinterest interface changes and fixes all connection and board retrieval problems.

    If you are using WordPress your site should get the upgraded code with the next API update (2-4 hours). You can speed it up by double clicking the word “API” in the version number on the plugin settings page.

    If you use standalone version please download new API files from

    UPD: If you are still getting the error, please retrieve your boards, select one and save settings.

    • Gustavo 4:27 pm on May 21, 2014 Permalink | Reply

      Actually it is working perfectly I had to delete the old pinterest information and create a new one

    • steve 9:10 pm on May 21, 2014 Permalink | Reply

      When installing this new version I am experiencing this error.

      nxs_Error Object ( [errors] => Array ( [http_request_failed] => Array ( [0] => SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed ) ) ) – ERROR

  • NextScripts

    NextScripts 5:46 pm on May 16, 2014 Permalink | Reply  

    Facebook API 2.0 issue has been resolved. 

    We have great news.

    After two weeks of making everyone crazy Facebook backed down on app review requirement. You no longer need to submit your app for review.

    Everything (well almost everything) went back to way it was before Apr 30, 2014

    The only new requirement from now on is that the facebook App, Facebook profile or page and the user who authorizes the app MUST belong to the same Facebook account.

    Please see the Update #7 here for the complete story:

    SNAP for WordPress version 3.3.7 is compatible with new requirements. Please update if you have earlier version.

    This issue is now closed.

    PS: if you still experience the problem, just create a new app and make sure that Facebook App, Facebook profile or page and the user who authorizes the app belong to the same Facebook account

  • NextScripts

    NextScripts 8:31 pm on April 2, 2014 Permalink | Reply  

    New Google+ API 2.15.2 

    This release fixes some minor connectivity issues problems for Google+, Blogger and YouTube.

    It’s also has fixes for all recent problems like “missing function”, “Lost login info”, “Bad username/password”, “A valid URL was not provided” and empty return.

    If you are using WordPress your site should get the upgraded code with the next API update (2-4 hours). You can speed it up by double clicking the word “API” in the version number on the plugin settings page.

    If you use standalone version please download new API files from

  • NextScripts

    NextScripts 9:49 pm on March 27, 2014 Permalink | Reply  

    New Google+ API 2.14.5 

    This release fixes some connectivity (“Lost login info”, “Bad username/password”, “A valid URL was not provided”) problems for Google+, Blogger and YouTube. It’s also fixes “missing function” problem and NULL returns.

    If you are using WordPress your site should get the upgraded code with the next API update (2-4 hours). You can speed it up by double clicking the word “API” in the version number on the plugin settings page.

    If you use standalone version please download new API files from

  • NextScripts

    NextScripts 5:49 am on March 26, 2014 Permalink | Reply  

    New Google+ API 2.14.2 

    This release fixes “Lost Login info” problem for Google+, compatibility with WordPress versions older then 3.7 as well as some Blogger and YouTube connection issues including “Bad username/password” problem.

    If you are using WordPress your site should get the upgraded code with the next API update (2-4 hours). You can speed it up by double clicking the word “API” in the version number on the plugin settings page.

    If you use standalone version please download new API files from

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