Reply To: Blogger Post Url not correct


    Did a little research and went through some of the updates.
    It appears that the problem started in version 3.5.5.

    Here was the specific code in 3.5.4 :
    if ($post->post_status == “publish” && $isAvailBG) { ?>
    <input alt=”<?php echo $ii; ?>” style=”float: right;” onmouseout=”hidePopShAtt(‘SV’);” onmouseover=”showPopShAtt(‘SV’, event);” onclick=”return false;” type=”button” class=”button” name=”rePostToBG_repostButton” id=”rePostToBG_button” value=”<?php _e(‘Repost to Blogger’, ‘social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g’) ?>” />

    … which was replaced with this code in 3.5.5.. which is the same problem code in the current nextscripts version:
    if ($post->post_status == “publish” && $isAvailBG) { ?><?php $ntName = $this->ntInfo[‘name’]; ?>
    <input alt=”<?php echo $ii; ?>” style=”float: right;” onmouseout=”hidePopShAtt(‘SV’);” onmouseover=”showPopShAtt(‘SV’, event);” onclick=”return false;” data-ntname=”<?php echo $ntName; ?>” type=”button” class=”button manualPostBtn” name=”<?php echo $nt.”-“.$post->ID; ?>” value=”<?php _e(‘Post to ‘, ‘social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g’); echo $ntName; ?>” />

    I believe at least with this information support should be able to correct the url