Can we have filter capability for HTAGS and extract?

Forums SNAP – WordPress Plugin Forums Can we have filter capability for HTAGS and extract?

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      1) could we have a filter on %HTAGS% please ?

      Currently the code is like:
      t = wp_get_object_terms($postID, ‘product_tag’); if ( empty($t) || !is_array($t) ) $t = wp_get_post_tags($postID);
      It’s great that it includes product tag but actually I’d want to filter that to include product_category and certain product attributes such as brand.

      2) excerpts
      standard extract generators don’t work with %EXCERPT% – effectively %EXCERPT% is the Raw excerot
      This is because SNAP doesn’t allow for the filter, code is currently:
      if ($post->post_excerpt!=””) $exrText = nxs_doQTrans($post->post_excerpt); else $exrText= nxs_doQTrans($post->post_content);
      $pText = (empty($gOptions[‘brokenCntFilters’]))?apply_filters(‘the_content’, $exrText):$exrText;

      Instead I would expect the code to be eg:
      $exrText = apply_filters(‘get_the_excerpt’, $post->post_excerpt)
      if ($exrText) //…as before
      Instead SNAP is going straight onto test the content if there is no excerpt, and ‘the_content’ filter is not useful for customising the excerpt as the filtering function won’t know that ‘the_content’ is being called in an extract context..


        You can get product_category as well as other certain product attributes using:

        %HCT-CustomTaxonomyName% – Inserts the list of custom taxonomies associated with the post as hashtags.

        More info:

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