Can't post to FB

Forums SNAP – WordPress Plugin Forums Can't post to FB

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  • #485772

      Hi there!
      Can’t post to FB. When I try to send test post, I receive next error:

      Array ( [Warning] => [Error] => The content you're trying to share includes a link that our security systems detected to be unsafe: Please remove this link to continue. )

      When I removed “”, I received another error:

      Array ( [Warning] => [Error] => Your message couldn’t be sent because it includes content that other people on Facebook have reported as abusive. )

      Funny thing, that it is for all SNAP Post types. But when I try to repost from WP’s post page and set post type as “Text Post”, it is works fine.

      FB debug tool do not show that my website is banned.
      Any ideas? Or how to see/debug what SNAP send to FB?


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