Facebook has auto-posted properly in the past, and a test post works. But when I published a post earlier today I got this in the log:
[2016-05-23 14:34:31] – [Posted] [Twitter – DE Literary Events Twitter Account] – OK – Message Posted | PostID: 5131 – Frank Hopkins at Hockessin Book Shelf |im | Post Link
[2016-05-23 14:34:25] – [Scheduled] [Twitter (DE Literary Events Twitter Account)] – for 1464014069(2016-05-23 14:34:29) PostID:(5131)
[2016-05-23 14:34:25] – [Scheduled] [Facebook (Facebook–Teryg)] – for 1464014072(2016-05-23 14:34:32) PostID:(5131)
[2016-05-23 14:34:25] – [Start =- ] – ——=========#### NEW AUTO-POST REQUEST PostID:(5131) Scheduled +3 ####=========——
So the Twitter request was schedule and posted. The FB request was scheduled but never posted. Does anyone know why that might happen and what can be done about it?