Getting Restricted By Facebook

Forums SNAP – WordPress Plugin Forums Getting Restricted By Facebook

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  • #520229
    Art Williams

      I’ve been using the SNAP Pro plugin for a few weeks now. Not extensively but just moderately. I’ve got about 80 FB Groups configured in it which are set to post content from my WP blog. Twice now (second time today), I’ve been restricted for 24 hours by Facebook.

      Of course they don’t tell me why. It couldn’t be the content because that’s very basic stuff, so I’m figuring it has something to do with what they apparently consider too much posting…. what has been twice a day at the most.

      Could that be possible and, if so, could somebody shed some light on the issue for me so I can know what I can do without getting slapped.



        Facebook does not restrict accounts for posting or overposting. It usually happens when several people click “Report This Post” link. Which means some people in some of those groups consider your posts spammy or irrelevant.

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