Syndication Links: a simple way to display links to copies of your posts

Forums SNAP – WordPress Plugin Forums Syndication Links: a simple way to display links to copies of your posts

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  • #511443
    Chris Aldrich

      Since SNAP is a great plugin for sharing your content out to other social networks, it’s often nice to have a visible record on one’s post of where those copies actually got syndicated out to.

      There’s a great simple WordPress plugin for doing exactly this: Syndication Links

      For most major social networks (Facebook, Twitter, G+, etc.), this plugin will read the metadata from SNAP and display links at the bottom of your post indicating where those copies live on social media. There are a few options allowing your to display text or icons (color or black and white) as you choose.

      It doesn’t yet support automatically importing LinkedIn, Pinterest, or a few others (yet), but perhaps SNAP or others might add this code into the github repository. Otherwise this is a great plugin that’s also part of the IndieWeb movement.

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