nxs-snap-pro-upgrade.php brokes my site

Forums SNAP – WordPress Plugin Forums nxs-snap-pro-upgrade.php brokes my site

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  • #519013

      Heyho, yesterday the nxs-snap-pro-upgrade.php brokes my side (error 500) when i delete the file the site runs but the autoshare no longer works (the log says unchecked account but this is not true)

      I can live without the multiaccount version, but why does the plugin now no more post? (We have just one Twitter and one Facebook account)

      luis torres

        we have been talking the same here Micha:

        Error 500 after automatic upgrade

        hopefully the team will release us an update soon


          i have see it thanks 🙂 and yes i hope the same

            Paul Freeman

              I had a white screen rather than 500 error after upgrade.

              Move plugin dir for SNAP to temp dir, site comes back to life.

              Implemented the fix linked to above and put the snap plugin directory back – white screen again.

              Anyone got any other suggestions?

              Paul Freeman

                I was not able to follow the instructions in the post exactly, but did something close and was able to fix it.

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