How does it work?
You publish new blog-post, article, page, WooCommerce product, event, or any other WordPress custom post type and SNAP will automatically share it to Facebook. SNAP also can re-post existing WodPress posts to Facebook both manually and automatically.

What do you need to start?
All you need is a site based on WordPress and SNAP WordPress plugin.
What type of posts SNAP can make on Facebook?
You can make text posts, image posts and share links. (More info: Facebook Post Types, Message Formatting)
Shared Link
Shared Link post type. Formatted text message with attached Link Preview. Preview is linked to the URL of your original WordPress Post
Image Post
Image post type. Text message with attached image. Attached image is linked to a bigger image. if you need a backlink to your site, you need to include %URL% to the message format.
Simple text post
Just a text post. No images, no attached links, only plain and simple text message.
Where can SNAP Autopost?
Depending on the API that you are using SNAP can autopost to Facebook User Profiles, Facebook Pages and Facebook Groups (Open, Closed, Secret).
Free Native Facebook API
Facebook Pages*
Facebook Groups*
*Both Pages API and Groups API require an explicit approval from Facebook
NextScripts Premium API
Facebook User Profiles
Facebook Pages (All kinds)
Facebook Groups (Open, Closed, Secret)
Facebook Groups as Page
What is API? Why do I need it?
API stands for Application Programming Interface. Basically in our case it’s a library that allows plugin’s PHP code to interact with external platforms. APi could be native (provided by the platform itself) or third party. Some networks provide native API for free, some networks provide native API for money (usually monthly payments), some networks don’t have native APIs and third party API library is required. Also some networks restrict the usage of their native API.
What about Facebook?
Facebook had an unrestricted free native API until May 1, 2018. After that Facebook removed an ability to post to profiles and put an “app review/approval” restriction. You can still use the free native Facebook API, but you need submit a very complicated application for review and wait 12-16 weeks for approval. Alternatively you can get NextScripts Premium API. It’s not free, but it works right away, does not require any reviews and can post to profiles, pages and groups.
Native API vs Premium API
You can choose what API to use. (Why there are two different APIs for Facebook)
Native Facebook API
Free official built-in API from Facebook. Requires review and approval from Facebook. Can post to Pages and Groups if/once Facebook approves your request.
Advantages: Free. Official.
Disadvantages: Can’t post to Profiles. Can be used only if Facebook approves your app. (Current review/approval time is 12-16 weeks). Very complicated to setup. Unstable due to constant Facebook changes. Your site must use HTTPS.
>>> Please see here for Native Facebook API Configuration Instructions
NextScripts Premium API for Facebook
Premium API with extended functionality. Can post to Profiles, Pages and Groups. Very easy to setup.
Advantages: Can post to Profiles, Pages and Groups. No waiting and no review is required. Very easy to setup.
Disadvantages: Unofficial. Not Free.
>>> Please see here for NextScripts Premium API for Facebook Configuration Instructions
How much does it cost? Is there a Free option?
Yes, there is a free option.
There are two products involved with autoposting to Facebook – SNAP WordPress plugin and API.
You grab SNAP WordPress plugin for free and you can use free native API from Facebook.
You can also take an advantage of NextScripts Premium API.
NextScripts Premium API - $49.95/year
⇒ Special offer: Get SNAP Pro WordPress plugin for free with NextScripts Premium API Subscription ⇐
SNAP Plugin for WordPress comes in three Editions – Free, Pro and Pro Multiuser.
100% Free- All SNAP Free Features
- One Account per Network
- Only Admin can setup accounts
- Partially Compatible with WordPress Multisite (can be used by one user on one site)
Most Popular- Get it Free with API Subscription
- All SNAP Free Features
- Additional “SNAP Pro Only” Features
- Unlimited Accounts per Network
- Only Admin can setup accounts
- Partially Compatible with WordPress Multisite (can be used by one user on one site)
SNAP Pro Multiuser
Every user can setup accounts- Just $100 with API Subscription
- All SNAP Free Features
- Additional “SNAP Pro Only” Features
- Unlimited Accounts per Network
- Any user can setup his/her own accounts
- Fully Compatible with WordPress Multisite
Where can SNAP Autopost?
SNAP can Autopost to Facebook Pages* and Facebook Groups* using free native Facebook API.
(*Both Pages API and Groups API require an explicit approval from Facebook)
SNAP can Autopost to profiles, pages and groups using NextScripts Premium API. Using NextScripts Premium API SNAP can also post to Facebook Groups as Page.
Networks where SNAP can autopost
Social Networks
Blogs/Publishing Platforms
Link Sharing/Boormarks
Email Marketing
Image Sharing
Autopost to Social Networks
SNAP will make beautifully formatted posts in all your configured Social Networks Accounts as soon as you press the “Publish” button in your new WordPress blogpost, page, product, event, etc…
100% White Labeled Posts
Plugin makes 100% White Labeled Posts. The main idea behind the plugin is to give you the ability to promote only yourself. Plugin uses your own apps and all posts to all networks come only from you. No “Shared via” or “Posted by SNAP for WordPress” messages.
Most Major Social Networks are supported.
SNAP has a lot of settings to configure.
Set what posts go to each network based on categories, tags, type, format and many more criteria.
Limit Autoposting Speed
Importing many posts at once? Not a problem. SNAP can query your autoposts and publish them one by one in defined time intervals.
Auto-import comments
Auto-import comments from Facebook and replies and mentions from Twitter as WordPress Comments
Custom URLs for AutoPosts
You can set a custom URL for the link shared by SNAP
Autopost New Blogposts
SNAP will automatically post your newly published blogposts (pages, events, products, custom post types) to all your defined social media accounts.
Auto re-post already existing posts.
SNAP can automatically re-post the already existing posts. SNAP can select specific posts for re-posting using filters.
Quick Post
Send a quick post to all configured social networks without creating a WordPress blogpost.
Post Types
SNAP can autopost blogposts, pages, WooCommerce products, and any other “Custom Post Types”
"Spin" message post templates
Ability to “Spin” message post templates
Emoji Support
Emoji Support
Format your posts
Format your posts using flexible replacement tags. make text posts, share links, or post images.
SNAP can post tags, tategories and any other custom WordPress taxonomies as Hashtags
Additional URL Parameters
Add additional parameters to the links posted by SNAP.
URL Shorteners
URL Shorteners:,, Rebrandly, YOURLS and built in WordPress URL Shortener
See what was posted
You can see the direct links to the posts published by SNAP on the “Post Edit” page
Export/Import Plugin settings
You Export and Import all plugin settings as backup or to move it to another site
SNAP Pro only Features
Unlimited accounts
SNAP Pro comes with an ability to add/configure unlimited accounts for each social network.
Auto re-post already existing posts.
Auto-repost existing posts randomly
Auto-repost existing random posts from specific dates or “older than N days and younger than X days”.
Additional Filters
Additional Filters. You can filter by Custom Fields, Custom Taxonomies, and Searches
Limit auto-reposting to specific days and times
Limit random or one-by-one auto-reposting for specific days of the week and times. (like Monday-Friday from 8AM to 7PM Only)
Multiple Users
Let all (or just some) users registred on your website to add their own social media account and autopost to them.
Scheduled and Delayed posting
You can set a delay for autoposting to each network. You can also set the exact time when the autopost should go out.
You can use proxy with some networks
Post Types
SNAP can autopost blogposts, pages, WooCommerce products, and any other "Custom Post Types"
Auto-import comments
Powerful Filters
Set what posts go to each network based on categories, tags, type, format and many more criteria.
Limit Autoposting Speed
Custom URLs for AutoPosts
Autopost New Blogposts
Quick Post
"Spin" message post templates
Automatically change/alter the words or sentences in your social media posts
Emoji Support
Export/Import Plugin settings
Format your posts
Additional URL Parameters
URL Shorteners
See what was posted
Autopost to Social Networks
Most Major Social Networks are supported.
Format your posts
Format your posts using flexible replacement tags. make text posts, share links, or post images.
Powerfull Filters
Set what posts go to each network based on categories, tags, type, format and many more criteria.
Editions and Pricing
SNAP Plugin for WordPress comes in three Editions – Free, Pro and Pro Multiuser
100% Free- All SNAP Free Features
- One Account per Network
- Only Admin can setup accounts
- Partially Compatible with WordPress Multisite (can be used by one user on one site)
Most Popular- Get it Free with API Subscription
- All SNAP Free Features
- Additional “SNAP Pro Only” Features
- Unlimited Accounts per Network
- Only Admin can setup accounts
- Partially Compatible with WordPress Multisite (can be used by one user on one site)
SNAP Pro Multiuser
Every user can setup accounts- Just $100 with API Subscription
- All SNAP Free Features
- Additional “SNAP Pro Only” Features
- Unlimited Accounts per Network
- Any user can setup his/her own accounts
- Fully Compatible with WordPress Multisite
What Our Customers Are Saying
Don’t just take it from us, let our customers do the talking!
SNAP is just great. Have it installed for over a year and no complaints so far. I use it to post to Facebook, Twitter and Google+. There are are many customization options. The paid version is also well worth the money.
NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster puts all other auto-posters to shame, this is a excellent professional product.
To get the full benefits though you do need to buy the pro version otherwise it will get very frustrating knowing what you could do but can’t but it is not overly expensive.
This is the most useful plugin out there. Not so easy to config, but does it’s job perfectly. So good for SEO and driving traffic.
WordPress 4.0+, PHP 5.6+ (Works better with PHP 7.0+), cURL. (It might work with PHP down to 5.3 and WordPress down to 3.8, but we are not testing such old versions anymore)
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use it on multiple sites?
Our licenses are issued on "Per User" basis. It means you can use one license on all your sites, but you can't give it to other people. You can use Plugin and API libraries on all your sites/blogs, the only requirement is that all those sites/blogs must be yours. You can’t re-sell or re-distribute the “Pro” Plugin and API libraries or websites with per-installed “Pro” Plugin and API libraries, neither you can’t install plugin and API libraries for your clients. If you would like to install SNAP to your clients, you need to purchase a separate license for each one of them.
If you are interested in re-selling plugin or would like to install it for your clients you can look at our affiliate program ( or developers/resell packages: (
Is it safe to use?
Is it safe to use? Will my social networks accounts be suspended if I autopost? Is it some kind of Blackhat SEO tool? Can I use it for mass postings?
SNAP is not a spam tool. SNAP is not a Blackhat SEO tool. SNAP is not a tool for bypassing any rules of the site where you are autoposting. You need to follow all terms and guidelines of any site or social network you are working with.
None of the networks we support suspend accounts simply based on the fact that you are autoposting there. Do not post spam or content that is not allowed, do not post more posts then allowed, do not abuse the network in any other way and it will be fine.
If you account got suspended for abuse/spam or any other reasons, please contact the social network directly, we can’t explain why that happened.
What is your refund policy?
Refund policy is here:
Please see more Frequently Asked Questions
Get SNAP Now
SNAP Plugin for WordPress is free to install and use.